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Palm Sunday was all the more glorious this year. Not only were we celebrating the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem, but here at St. Tikhon’s, we had the joy of witnessing the ordination of the seminarian Athanasios Kombos to the holy diaconate.
His father has visited several times during Nasi’s time here at seminary, and was able to travel up and join in with an affirming “axios” for his son’s ordination as well. The newly-ordained deacon’s wife and boys were also present for this momentous next step for their family in the service of the Church, and we all pray they will enjoy many years of labors full of the grace and joy of Christ.
Dn. Athanasios and family are spending this summer down in his home diocese, the Diocese of the South, in an internship with Pr. Jason Foster at Nativity of Our Lord parish near Shreveport, Louisiana.
By Dn. Ignatius Strange