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The OCA Music Department is pleased to announce an opportunity this summer for intermediate- and advanced-level choir directors to take private conducting lessons with Dr. Peter Jermihov.

Those who are interested should complete the Registration Form and with Dr. Jermihov at their earliest convenience.

The cost for an 8-week block of lessons is $440, with additional 4-week blocks available at $220 per block.

Dr. Peter Jermihov is a life-long church musician, who has served as a choir director, chanter, teacher, composer and arranger, in a number of parishes in various jurisdictions, including the OCA, ROCOR, the Moscow Patriarchate, and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. His mission as a church musician is to bring beauty and professional competence to Divine Worship.

Jermihov holds the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Illinois at Urbana and studied orchestral conducting at the St. Petersburg Conservatory under Ilya Musin. He is founder and artistic director of the Society of Saint Romanos the Melodist, a not-for-profit corporation devoted to the furtherance of Orthodox culture in America. For a more complete description of Dr. Jermihov’s career, please visit or

Below are some testimonials from those who have taken lessons with Dr. Jermihov in past semesters:

“[Dr. Jermihov] identified and then corrected some bad conducting habits that I had developed over the years.  His attention to detail enables him to quickly diagnose faults and unintentional miscommunications that I was completely unaware of in [my] conducting…”

“Dr. Jermihov is helping me to develop a more advanced vocabulary of gestures to communicate with my choir. Your choir and parish will appreciate the time you take to learn with Dr. J!”

“Dr. Jermihov explains the core principles of conducting in a very clear and comprehensive way…. Most importantly, Dr. Jermihov is a very passionate teacher who has warm and friendly personality.”

“[Studying] conducting with Dr Peter Jermihov,… I have grown both as a musician and as a conductor, gaining knowledge and conducting skills….This would not be possible if it were not for Dr. Jermihov sharing with me his knowledge, experience, and passion for Orthodoxy and Orthodox Church music.”