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Day 4 of Great Lent
As we continue to read the Book of Proverbs this Great Lent, we are listening carefully to what “Wisdom” has to say. When Wisdom speaks…Christ speaks. When Wisdom is mentioned, it is referring to Jesus. What happens when we replace the word “Wisdom” with the Name of Jesus?
“Happy is the man who finds Jesus, and the man who gains Jesus, for the gain from Jesus is better than gain from silver and Jesus’ profit better than gold. Jesus is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with Jesus. Long life is in Jesus’ right hand; in Jesus’ left hand are riches and honor. Jesus’ ways are ways of pleasantness, and all Jesus’ paths are peace. Jesus is a tree of life to those who lay hold of Jesus; those who hold Jesus fast are called happy” (Proverbs 3:13-18).
Wow, such a rich passage! Look at the power in the Name of Jesus! “At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).
There is so much to glean from each sentence in the passage of Proverbs. Toward the end of it the “Tree of Life” is referenced. This is a reference to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. We are told in Genesis 3:22, that whoever eats the fruit of that tree will have eternal life. The Tree of Life is a prefiguration of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. The “fruit” on the Cross is Jesus Himself. We are invited by the Lord to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life! Consider these words of Jesus:
“Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him” (John 6:53-56).
“Wisdom” – Let us be attentive!