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Members of the 2021 Doctor of Ministry [D.Min.] Cohort recently gathered on the campus of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary for their first onsite intensive.
This cohort—the third that has formed since the D.Min. program was revived in 2014—is comprised of seven students from six different jurisdictions and traditions. The students of the 2021 cohort serve in a variety of ministries and include parish priests, crisis counselors, lay catechists, and active duty military chaplains.
“Forming a community of teachers and learners has always been a top priority for us, and we are always learning how to do that better,” said Archpriest Sergius Halvorsen, D.Min. Program Director. “For this cohort, we expanded the orientation to a six-week online experience, and I think this really helped. By the time we met face to face for the very first time, we all felt like we were old friends. This sense of camaraderie is a wonderful foundation for ongoing learning and pastoral formation.”

This semester, the 2021 D.Min. Cohort took the first two of their nine courses—Liturgical Life and Pastoral Ministry, taught by Dr. Grant White, and Advanced Preaching and Communication, taught by Father Sergius.
Dr. White noted, “The intensive was marked by informed, critical discussion of liturgical, theological, and pastoral issues in an atmosphere of mutual trust and learning together.”
In addition to working with SVOTS faculty members, the students had an opportunity to discuss topics of communication, leadership, and productivity with Deacon Michael Hyatt, the Executive Chair of the seminary’s Board of Trustees. A number of the students remarked on how grateful they were for the wisdom and encouragement that Deacon Michael shared with the class during the course of an inspiring discussion.
Cohort students also had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie, the recently appointed Academic Dean of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary.