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On Friday, June 15, 2018, the Preconciliar Commission released three official report books in preparation for the 19th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, slated to convene in Saint Louis, MO July 23-27, 2018.
The reports of the OCA officers and the Church’s departments and institutions together with the financial report are now available online.
“Article III, Section 5 of the OCA Statute requires that all reports to the All-American Council must be published and made available in written form at least thirty days prior to the opening of the AAC,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. “The three report books offer a comprehensive review of the work of the Church since the last AAC.
“The Officers’ Report Book contains job descriptions and reports from the Chancellor, Secretary and Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America,” Father Eric explained. “Included under each officer are reports on areas of responsibility, such as ORSMA/SMPAC and the Office of History and Archives. Also included is a report from the Director of External Affairs and Interchurch Relations.
“The Departments’ and Institutions’ Report Book includes reports from the OCA’s departments and related offices,” Father Eric continued. “Reports from the OCA’s institutions, including stavropegial monasteries, churches and seminaries; the at-large members of the Metropolitan Council; and the internal auditors are included. The Financial Report offers data on the OCA as well as her stavropegial institutions.”
Printed copies of the reports will not be available at the AAC, and delegates are reminded to download and print them and to bring them with them to the Council. Three-ring binders will be provided upon registration at the AAC site.
“Those responsible for submitting these reports will be presenting them at AAC plenary sessions and will be available to answer any and all questions during the AAC or individually,” Father Eric concluded.