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On Sunday, November 19, 2017—the 24th Sunday after Pentecost—His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Patriarchal Cathedral, New York, NY, marking the 100th Anniversary of the Election of Saint Tikhon to the Patriarchal throne and the 115th anniversary of the cathedral’s consecration. Concelebrating with Metropolitan Tikhon was His Grace, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the United States of America; Archpriest John Jillions, OCA Chancellor; Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak; and the cathedral clergy.
During the Liturgy, special prayers commemorating the election of Patriarch Tikhon were offered.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Bishop John welcomed Metropolitan Tikhon and thanked him for the opportunity to serve together in commemorating these momentous occasions in the life of Saint Nicholas Cathedral.
“It is a pleasure and honor for myself, and all the clergy and parishioners, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with you on this day, marking the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Council that elected Patriarch Tikhon, who was Archbishop here in the United States, who established missions and strove to bring together all the Orthodox who fled from other countries to find a new home in the new world, so that they would have an opportunity for consolation in the Church, and to partake in the Holy Eucharist,” said Bishop John. “Today we also celebrate the anniversary of the consecration of this cathedral. Finally, it is my pleasure and honor to greet you on the occasion of your fifth anniversary of Primatial ministry to the Orthodox Church in America. I greet you warmly, and wish you many years in your service to God, and to all the Orthodox people in the United States, and those seeking God and the Orthodox Faith, as I know you put a lot of effort into promoting missionary work here in the United States, Canada and Mexico.”
Bishop John presented Metropolitan Tikhon with a panagia in honor of his visit. In turn, Metropolitan Tikhon greeted Bishop John, the clergy and the faithful, underlining the importance of these anniversaries for all Orthodox Christians in America.
“It is a joy to be with you today, with the blessing of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Council and of the election of Saint Tikhon,” Metropolitan Tikhon said in response. “It is especially significant that we are here together in this cathedral since Saint Nicholas Cathedral was blessed by Saint Tikhon, as well as Saint Alexander Hotovitsky, who labored here. So it is truly a blessing to be here in this cathedral that was so central to the life of the Orthodox Church here in North America, and connected so closely to Saint Tikhon, who labored here before his election as Patriarch, but then carried over to Moscow, and took upon himself, that difficult task of taking on the Patriarchal Throne during a very difficult time in the life of the Russian Church.
“Saint Tikhon gave an example of that martyric life that gives strength to all of our faithful, and we can trust that in part it was his ministry here in North America that perhaps strengthened and prepared him for that ministry in Russia,” Metropolitan Tikhon continued. “So as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of his enthronement, we give glory to God for his witness, for his connection to us here in North America, and especially here at Saint Nicholas Cathedral, and we pray that indeed, as we continue to celebrate this important anniversary, we will continue to pray to Saint Tikhon, to ask for his prayers for us, and to remember the central role that he had in this Church in North America.”
A festal dinner followed in the cathedral refectory, during which Metropolitan Tikhon and Bishop John discussed cooperative efforts between the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA and the Orthodox Church in America.
A video with highlights of the Divine Liturgy and a photo gallery, are available online.