

February 2024

    Clergy of the Metropolis of Chicago to begin participation in leadership and vocational development program

    February 14th, 2024|Categories: Jurisdictions|

    LOMBARD, IL, February 12, 2024 – The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago today [...]

      The Association of Byzantine Chanters and Friends of Florida “Ioannis Koukouzelis” Present 18th Annual Concert of Byzantine Hymns and Greek Songs

      February 14th, 2024|Categories: Jurisdictions|

      The Association of Byzantine Chanters and Friends of Florida “Ioannis [...]

        Comunicare despre starea de Sanatate a Parintelui Arhiepiscop Nathaniel / Communication Regarding the Health of His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel

        February 14th, 2024|Categories: Jurisdictions|

        Preacuvioși și Preacucernici Părinți, Iubiți credincioși și credincioase, Înaltpreasfințitul Părinte Arhiepiscop [...]

          Michael Psaros presents Lauren Green with an icon of St. Nicholas during a recent signing for her book “Light for Today – 365 Daily Devotions from the Lighthouse.”

          February 13th, 2024|Categories: Jurisdictions|

          Michael Psaros, member of the Executive Committee of the Greek [...]

            With the Touch of Christian Love and Acts of Kindness, We Help Rebuild Human Lives: the UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Assistance to Ukraine

            February 13th, 2024|Categories: Jurisdictions|

            Дотиком християнської любові і вчинками доброти допомагаємо відбудовувати людські життя: [...]

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