February 2024
Metropolis of San Francisco Ordination of Rev. Father Spyridon Rice
The faithful from Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Tacoma, [...]
Fr. Petros Gomez's First Liturgy at the Chapel of Saint Paul of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Fr. Petros Gomez's first Liturgy as a priest at the [...]
Philoptochos Wear Red for Heart Health Awareness Month
On Sunday, February 4, 2024 Philoptochos spread agape, heart health [...]
Congressional Hellenic Caucus Initiative with POTUS on Cyprus Applauded
The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (Order of AHEPA) commends [...]
Clergy of the Metropolis of Chicago to begin participation in leadership and vocational development program
LOMBARD, IL, February 12, 2024 – The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago today [...]
Metropolis of Pittsburgh Regional Lenten Mini Retreats
Hey K-6th Graders - We’re bringing back our Regional Lenten [...]
Ionian Village Applications Open for the Archdiocesan Youth Summer Camp Scholarship Fund
The Office of Ionian Village, with the blessing of His [...]
The Association of Byzantine Chanters and Friends of Florida “Ioannis Koukouzelis” Present 18th Annual Concert of Byzantine Hymns and Greek Songs
The Association of Byzantine Chanters and Friends of Florida “Ioannis [...]
Metropolis of Atlanta 2nd Annual Festival of Faith Retreat
The Metropolis of Atlanta is pleased and proud to present [...]
Ordination of Fr. Mark Solomon & Dn. Nick Johnson
On Saturday, February 10, Deacon Mark Solomon was ordained to [...]
Comunicare despre starea de Sanatate a Parintelui Arhiepiscop Nathaniel / Communication Regarding the Health of His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel
Preacuvioși și Preacucernici Părinți, Iubiți credincioși și credincioase, Înaltpreasfințitul Părinte Arhiepiscop [...]
Taming That Little Flapper
Today’s Epistle reading is from James 3:1-10. The photo, which [...]
Michael Psaros presents Lauren Green with an icon of St. Nicholas during a recent signing for her book “Light for Today – 365 Daily Devotions from the Lighthouse.”
Michael Psaros, member of the Executive Committee of the Greek [...]
Sunday Sermon Series Sunday of the Canaanite February 18
This week, find insights about the upcoming Gospel reading, where [...]
With the Touch of Christian Love and Acts of Kindness, We Help Rebuild Human Lives: the UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Assistance to Ukraine
Дотиком християнської любові і вчинками доброти допомагаємо відбудовувати людські життя: [...]