Let's Introduce to you: Guardians of the Metropolia is a Charitable, Auxiliary Organization of the UOC of USA, Established at the 22nd Regular Sobor of the Church
Home/Jurisdictions/Let's Introduce to you: Guardians of the Metropolia is a Charitable, Auxiliary Organization of the UOC of USA, Established at the 22nd Regular Sobor of the Church
Let's Introduce to you: Guardians of the Metropolia is a Charitable, Auxiliary Organization of the UOC of USA, Established at the 22nd Regular Sobor of the Church
Дозвольте Познайомити: Покровителі Митрополії – благодійна, допоміжна організація Української Православної Церкви Сполучених Штатів Америки, заснована на 22-му Соборі Церкви