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On Saturday, March 23 – March 24, Fr. John Kowalczyk Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of Training and Spiritual Care for OCPM was invited by the Twin City Clergy Association in Minneapolis and OCPM
Minnesota as retreat speaker and homilist.
On Saturday afternoon, Fr. John was the main retreat speaker for the OCPM Minnesota. Mark Santana, Church Programs Manager for OCPM, gave a slide presentation on the work of the agency.
On Sunday morning, 24 March, Fr. John concelebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis and was the guest homilist.
On Sunday afternoon, Fr. John was invited to be the guest Homilist for the Sunday of Orthodoxy service held at St. Mary’s (OCA) Cathedral in Minneapolis. This year the Sunday of Orthodoxy fell on the Eve of the Feast of Annunciation, and Fr. John spoke on the the Feast of Annunciation as the beginning of our Salvation.
Despite the snow, hundreds of Orthodox faithful filled the Cathedral to capacity.