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REGISTER and/or DONATE ONLINE for the 12th Annual Winter Dinner for The Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery!
On Thursday, January 18, 2024, we welcome Mother Abbess Gabriella, Father John, and the Nuns from Holy Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery, Rives Junction, Michigan, as they come to Flint to be with the faithful from our four Orthodox Churches and our guests.
Our event will be held at St. George Orthodox Church (5191 Lennon Rd, Flint, MI 48507):
5:00 PM Vespers sung by the Nuns followed by a time to visit, appetizers and the Monastery Gift Shop
7:00 PM Dinner, desserts and three spiritual talks on “A Rule of Prayer” from an Individual, Parish and Monastic perspective.
The talks (starting around 7:30 PM) will also be live-streamed on YouTube (click to set a NOTIFICATION reminder).
8:30 PM Closing prayer and good night!
Our event is a blessing to our community and a fundraiser for the Monastery so please be generous. You are welcome to join us for any or all of the evening even if you are unable to donate; just keep in mind that REGISTRATION is required if you are coming for dinner so that we can plan properly.
We hope you can join us live or watch the live stream! We thank God for a warm oasis of worship, fellowship and spiritual warmth on a cold January day!
Father Michael Bassett