This post was originally published on this site

In accordance to Article III, Section 5.i of the Statute of the Orthodox Church in America, the reports of the Officers, Departments, Offices, Boards, Institutions, and related Financials are now provided in writing at least thirty days prior to the date set for the convening of the council.
For convenience, these reports are grouped in three separate documents:
Delegates to the All-American Council are encouraged to read and consider these reports before coming to the Council next month. Hard copies will NOT be available, and those delegates who wish to have a hard copy on hand are invited to print these three documents before traveling to Baltimore.
Only some of these reports will be presented orally at the at the Council. Questions and comments on the reports can, however, be made during the Plenary Sessions.
As noted in the Officers’ document, the report of the Chancellor will be available sometime next week.