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Saturday, May 21, 2022
Olyphant, PA
Our own Dr Paul Witek was ordained on consecutive weekends to the Holy Diaconate and the Holy Priesthood. On Saturday, March 14, 2022, Dr Paul was ordained Deacon in the Monastery Church by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. A week later, at the parish where he and his family have served for a decade–All Saints, Olyphant, PA–Dn Paul was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, also by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark.
Both ordinations were beautiful in their own right; it was a joy that Fr Paul could be ordained in the two churches which have significantly formed him all these years. It was a unique and special occasion that two of his own students, Dn Gabrial Aldridge (DOS) and Dn Solomon Longo (NY/NJ), could process him around the altar for his diaconal ordination.
For his priestly ordination, clergy from all geographical and chronological parts of Fr Paul’s life were present and/or serving, including 9 at the Altar.
When asked about his ordinations, Fr Paul commented, “With all the need in the church for priests, especially here not only in my own diocese, but in my own parish, how could I, who have benefitted from seminary formation at St Tikhon’s, not offer myself for further service?” Fr John Parker, Dean of the Seminary, noted, “Fr Paul has been an academic shepherd of souls for quite a season. It is fitting–and natural–that he now also serves as a shepherd of souls to those same students, as well as the faithful entrusted to his pastoral care.”
Axios! Axios! Axios!
By Archpriest John Parker, Dean of the Seminary