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The 94th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] will be hosted this year by Chapter 94 at the Cathedral of Saint Mary, Minneapolis, MN, and will be held at the Doubletree Hotel Bloomington – Minneapolis South from Friday July 24th – Monday, July 27th 2020.
The FOCA Convention is held annually bringing together the membership of its six districts to discuss and take decisions on the business matters and future direction of the fellowship. Orthodox Christians of all ages who share the mission of FOCA to witness and reveal the Orthodox Christian Faith through service and fellowship are invited to participate in the weekend of fellowship activities.
According to Deacon Peter Ilchuk, Convention Planning Chairperson, in addition to the business sessions, the convention will include a special program for youth, a golf outing, tours of local attractions, a welcome reception, a Saturday night outing following Great Vespers titled, “Welcome to our Backyard”, and a Sunday evening Banquet and Ball titled, “Evening in the Land of 10,000 Lakes”. On Sunday, July 26th, His Grace Bishop Paul of Chicago will preside at the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Northeast Minneapolis.

The convention schedule will allow ample time to enjoy the many attractions and activities available in Minneapolis. From an excellent theater scene and some of the region’s best dining to the Mall of America and the Minnesota Zoo, Minneapolis has something to offer everyone, making the convention a great opportunity, especially for families.
The deadline for hotel reservations is Friday, June 26, 2020. Reservations may be made by calling 952-835-7800 or on the hotel website. In both instances, please mention “FOCA” to obtain the special convention rate of $119.00 + tax. A limited amount of special poolside “Cabana” style rooms with a balcony or patio will be available. The special rate for this will be $149.00 + tax. Further detailed information is available at the fellowship’s web site.

Deacon Peter also noted that ads and listings for the Convention Commemorative Book are now being accepted. The advertising order forms are available here and here, together with detailed information on ad and listing sizes. Several options, ranging in price from $100.00 for a full page ad to $10.00 for a one-line booster listing, are being offered. The deadline for all ads and listings is July 1, 2020. Please submit your ads as PDF or Word files to Todd Walker at Checks made payable to the “St. Mary’s O Club” should be mailed to Denise Stanoch, 2216 19th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418.
Inquiries for additional information may be directed to Deacon Peter at; 516-815-8890.
To learn more about the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America and how you can become a member, or start a chapter in your parish, visit their website.