The Exarchs of Ecumenical Throne, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel (UOC of the USA) and His Grace Bishop Ilarion (UOC of Canada) met the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Mr. Evhen Nyschuk
Home/Jurisdictions/The Exarchs of Ecumenical Throne, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel (UOC of the USA) and His Grace Bishop Ilarion (UOC of Canada) met the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Mr. Evhen Nyschuk
The Exarchs of Ecumenical Throne, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel (UOC of the USA) and His Grace Bishop Ilarion (UOC of Canada) met the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Mr. Evhen Nyschuk
Екзархи Вселенської Патріархії, Архиєпископ Даниїл (УПЦ США) та єпископ Іларіон (УПЦ Канади) провели зустріч із Міністром культури України Євгеном Нищуком