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Holy Apostles Church, Columbia, SC, will host the 25th annual Ancient Christianity Conference October 5-7, 2018.
Sponsored by the Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black, the conference will have the opening verse of Psalm 133—“How Good And Pleasant It Is For Brethren To Dwell Together In Unity”—as its theme. Abbot Tryphon of the All-Merciful Saviour Monastery, Vashon Island, WA, will be the keynote speaker.
The Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black traces its origin to 1993, when Father Moses Berry—at the time ministering in Saint Louis, MO—discovered a significant number of Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants who, in seeking asylum from their war-torn nations, had settled in the area. Recognizing that they lacked an established cultural community to which they could turn for help with adjusting to life in their new home, Father Moses and his flock resolved to assist them in any way they could. Subsequently, some 20 individuals attended the first ad hoc meeting of what is today the Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black. Since that time, the Brotherhood has grown to include diverse communities of African descent across the United States, all of which share its mission of developing unity and brotherhood.
To register or to obtain additional information, please contact Carla Thomas at, 256-237-0215 or 256-239-7353. Updated conference details are available on the Brotherhood’s website.