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Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [SVOTS] recently announced its 2018 Saint Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest as part of the school’s ongoing efforts to help its students afford the cost of theological education and formation.
The essay contest is open to current seminarians only. The winning student will see $3,000.00 in award money added to his or her scholarship fund to help pay for tuition at SVOTS.
The Saint Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest will be offered annually, thanks to the generous contributions of a family of anonymous donors. These donors also selected the topic of the essay contest. Each year, the essay topic will be based on an inspiring, real-life event.
The contest is one of many offerings by the seminary to help its students graduate tuition-debt free as they go forth to serve the Church. SVOTS also administers need-based tuition grants, need-based scholarships, merit scholarships, continuing education grants, and matching grant opportunities for seminarians. These are made possible thanks to many benefactors who have graciously given funds to the seminary.
“We are most thankful for the creative way the donors have established this annual scholarship opportunity,” said Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of SVOTS.
Contest requirements and theme are available online.
Entries for the 2018 Saint Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest should be submitted in PDF format—double-spaced and conforming to the SVS Press House Style—to Ann Sanchez at Entries must be submitted by September 14, 2018, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.