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The HTOS choir, with the blessing of Archmandrite Luke, Rector, will travel to St John the Baptist Cathedral, Washington, DC, on the weekend of March 3-4, 2018. Mitred Archpriest Victor Patapov, cathedral rector, has invited our choir to join the cathedral’s choir at the All Night Vigil on Saturday evening and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil on the second Sunday of the Great Fast commemorating our Father among the Saints, Gregory of Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica. Deacon Nicholas Kotar, seminary choir director and lecturer in Church Music, will conduct the combined choirs at both the English and Church Slavonic Divine Liturgies. Accompanying the choir will be Deacon Michael Pavuk, Director of Development, who will assist the cathedral clergy at the services and speak to the faithful on behalf of the Seminary.