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The Archives of the Orthodox Church in America, located at the Chancery here, will be closed until further notice “due to a number of renovations designed to modernize the facilities and ensure protection of the collection for future research and utilization,” according to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. The Archives will not be available for public use until the renovation project has been completed.
“The renovation project is being funded through a modest endowed fund for the Archives approved for use by the Metropolitan Council and blessed by the Holy Synod at their Spring meetings,” Father Eric explained. “This modest fund will allow for the Archives to be updated and reorganized.”
Renovation plans have been drawn up by Smiros and Smiros, a local architectural firm in Oyster Bay Cove, NY, in conjunction with local officials.
“The plans include waterproofing the basement; establishing a climate controlled environment with proper lighting; reworking the walls, floors and ceiling of the space; and making other modest yet essential renovations,” Father Eric continued. “Also included will be a new office area for the Archivist, a reading room and work space, as well as a new layout for the collection.
“We must preserve this incredible and historic jewel of the OCA so that future generations can utilize it,” Father Eric concluded. “This is a project that cannot wait as the holdings are not stored in the best manner. We have been advised by a series of experts on the Archives Committee and outside consultants as to the best way to address the Archives’ needs on a very modest budget.”
It is anticipated that all renovation work will be completed by the end of the current year.
Those wishing to donate toward this project are invited to do so through the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America.