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Hellenic College’s Academic Services Office will host seven workshops this fall, each focused on a specific strategy—from managing time effectively to preparing for exams—that will help students do their best work and get the most out of their undergraduate education.
As Academic Services Coordinator Eileen Maguire observes, “Many students are often overwhelmed by the amount of work required at the college level. Oftentimes, the skills that brought success in high school do not yield the same results in college…These workshops will help students develop new skills that have been proven to work.”
Dr. Demetrios Katos, Dean of Hellenic College, strongly endorses this expanded program of academic support and will be participating actively in it himself by leading a workshop on writing research papers. “We’re very fortunate to have these workshops support our educational enterprise,” he says, “and I am confident that they will help students learn exponentially more when they are in the classroom.”
To learn more about the fall workshops, please download the flyer. Workshops for graduate students in the School of Theology are also being planned and will be announced soon.