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[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon’s will hold its annual Continuing Education Program at the seminary from June 20-22, 2017. The theme will be: “With the Saints Give Rest, O Christ, to the Soul of Thy Servant“. You can download a flyer with registration information here. Among the sessions will be a special presentation of audio excerpts from Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann’s lectures on the Liturgy of Death, recently published in book form by SVS Press.
The program will begin at noon on Tuesday, and continue through Thursday afternoon. Registration cost for the program is only $100, covering overnight accommodations in our dormitory, and meals. The program will count for continuing education credit for our clergy. Interested lay persons are also welcome to attend!
Please register by June 17th either by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary: 570.561.1818, or by e-mail to .