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JOHNSTOWN, PA —  [Diocesan Chancery]   Registration is now open ONLINE for the Fourth Annual Diocesan Young Women’s Encounter which will take place from Sunday, June 25th to Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at Sts Peter and Paul Church in Windber, PA which is open to young women in our Diocese ages 12-18. Click Here to Register NOW!

This engaging experience includes spiritual discussions and special events. Explore the work of women in the Church, develop and strengthen friendships with other Orthodox young women. During the YWE, we will highligh ways young women can live our Orthodox Faith and serve the Church with their own unique gifts!

This year discussions & activities will relate to Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in God with all your heart, and do not exalt your own wisdom.”

Space is limited to the first thirty respondents, so participants are urged to register as soon as possible.  

 Please mail completed registration forms to:

Young Women’s Encounter
19 W. Park Ave.,
Morgantown, WV 26501.

All parishes of the Diocese are urged to underwrite the $100.00 participation fee for their young women in recognition of all the ways that these young women serve their parishes.

Questions about the event may be directed to Pani Eleni Stagon at or by calling 304-296-4319.

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