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Vladyka Daniel Met with Bishop Hlib Lonchyna of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Great Britain at the Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London
Владика Даниїл провів зустріч із єпископом Глібом Лончиною Української Католицької Єпархії Великобританії в Українській Католицькій катедрі Пресвятої Родини в Лондоні
In the afternoon hours of Friday, 20th of January, 2017 His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel, escorted by Very Rev. Fr. Bohdan Matwijchuk and members of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Great Britain met with Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna) and clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Great Britain at the Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London.
Following the formal introductions, the delegation visited the premises of Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London, learning about the history of the ecclesiastical edifice and the relationship of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Christians throughout the past 60 years of common ministry in the United Kingdom.
Bishop Hlib invited the guests of honor for a luncheon during which a number of ecclesiastical and pastoral issues were discussed.