This post was originally published on this site

September 1, 2016
Dear Reverend Fathers and Youth Workers,
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce entries for the 2nd Annual Faith & Photography Contest are now being accepted.
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry wants to encourage youth and young adults to explore their creative talents and to glorify God through art, with the opportunities presented in this contest.
Part of our mission, is to provide youth and college aged young adults the opportunity to become more involved with their faith, while showcasing the talented and creative youth we have within in our Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. We want our youth to realize that having fun and utilizing creativity can be manifested in a project that shows how they correlate their life with their faith.
Provided in this packet are the rules and entry information for the contest. We ask that you encourage all youth and college students to participate. Deadline for entries is October 31st. Prizes will be awarded for first and second place. To broaden the experience and best utilize social media, we will be allowing individuals to view the submissions on-line and vote for their favorite! A People’s Choice winner will be awarded in each category.
Questions about the contest may be made to the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at
In Christ’s Love,
Natalie Kapeluck Nixon
Faith & Photography Contest