January 2025
Archbishop Daniel Visits Chrysostom Academy on the Feast of the Translation of Relics of St. John Chrysostom
Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав Академію в. Івана Золотоустого на свято Перенесення [...]
The Sojourner: Exclusive Interview with Metropolitan Sevastianos
This weekend, the Orthodox Observer's Marissa Costidis interviewed Metropolitan Sevastianos [...]
Archbishop Anastasios Obituary by Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis
I consider it at once an honorable and forbidding task [...]
Prayerful Condolences to Panimatka Regina Blair Popichak Upon the Repose of Her Mother
Молитовні співчуття добродійці Реджині Попічак з приводу упокоєння її мами
Metropolitan Sevastianos Celebrates First Liturgy as Shepherd of the Metropolis
His Eminence Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta celebrated his first Divine [...]
Invitation for Exhibitors to Attend the 21st All-American Council
The Orthodox Church in America invites exhibitors to participate in [...]
Patriarchal Congratulations to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon on Anniversary of Enthronement
On behalf of the plenitude of the Russian Orthodox Church [...]
Twelfth Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon
On Thursday, January 27, 2022 His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon celebrates [...]
Introducing the Effective Christian Ministry (ECM) Watch Club: A Free Webinar Series
The Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) of [...]
XXIV Sobor – 16-19 October, 2025 – Save the date
XXIV Собор - 16-19 жовтня 2025р. - Занотуйте дату
The Enthronement of Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta: A Day of Unity, Faith, and Inspiration
День Єдності у Вірі та Натхнення: Відбулася Інтронізація нового митрополита [...]
Ukrainian Orthodox Word – January Issue
Українське Православне Слово за січень
CrossRoad Summer Institute to be Hosted at St Vladimir’s Seminary
St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) will host the third [...]
Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta Enthroned
Exclamations of “Axios!” were cried as His Eminence Metropolitan Sevastianos [...]
Metropolitan Antony Marks the 12th Anniversary of His Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA
Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 12 річницю інтронізації як Митрополит Української Православної [...]
Archiepiscopal Exhortation at the Enthronement of His Eminence, Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Διὰ τῆς κανονικῆς [...]
His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Falls Asleep in the Lord
With deep sorrow and in the hope of the Resurrection, [...]
Metropolitan Sevastianos Enthronement Homily, January 25, 2025
Thank you for honoring me with your presence. As I [...]