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The Regular Spring 2025 Session of the Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America convened via teleconference on Tuesday, February 25, and Thursday, February 27, under the presidency of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon.
The Council conducted its general business by reviewing and discussing various reports that had been previously submitted in writing and subsequently presented during the meetings.
On Tuesday, February 25, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon opened the session with prayer and delivered his report, providing an overview of his primatial activities, recent travels, and ongoing initiatives within the Church. He also shared updates regarding his work within the Archdiocese of Washington and broader inter-Orthodox engagements. Additionally, His Beatitude emphasized the need to take concrete steps toward acquiring a permanent chancery, recognizing its critical role in supporting the operations of his primatial office. He also addressed the ongoing transition at the Chancery following the resignation of Archpriest Alexander Rentel as Chancellor, noting the significantly increased workload shouldered by the small staff over the past few months as they navigate this period of adjustment.
Archpriest Alessandro Margheritino, Acting Chancellor and Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America, presented his report, outlining the administrative work of the Chancery, inter-Orthodox affairs, and ongoing projects. He also addressed the ongoing transition following his appointment as Acting Chancellor, in addition to his responsibilities as Secretary. Fr. Alessandro provided an update on preparations for the upcoming All-American Council, with additional details shared by Protodeacon Peter Ilchuk. Fr. Alessandro participated in the session remotely while traveling in Europe on behalf of His Beatitude.
The Property Committee, represented by Gregory Honshul, offered a report on the sale of the Westwood property. This was followed by a presentation from Mr. Igor Dabik on the ongoing Chancery Feasibility Study, which aims to assess the long-term needs and opportunities for a permanent Chancery office.
Mark Hamilton, General Counsel of the Orthodox Church in America, provided a legal report, updating the Council on various legal matters affecting the Church.
The session resumed on Thursday, February 27, with an internal audit report presented by Matushka Sharon Hubiak and Ms. Maha Adranly. They highlighted the findings of the recent audit and noted the stable financial position of the Orthodox Church in America. The Auditing Committee expressed particular gratitude to Mr. Andrew Smith and Fr. Alessandro for their dedicated work in maintaining financial transparency and accountability.
This was followed by a presentation from the Pension Board, led by Matushka Mary Buletza-Breton, and a subsequent discussion with the Pension Committee, chaired by Donna Dimitri, regarding the ongoing health and sustainability of the OCA Pension Plan.
Mr. Andrew Smith, Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America, presented the financial report, providing an overview of the Church’s current financial standing. He also introduced a resolution proposing financial support for the Diocese of Alaska to help offset expenses related to the upcoming canonization of St. Olga in June. The resolution was met with unanimous approval.
Lisa Mikhalevsky, chair of the HR & Ethics Committee, provided an update on the study on compensation guidelines for Chancery employees. Archpriest Nicholas Solak presented the report of the Office of Pastoral Life, addressing ongoing initiatives to support clergy wellness and pastoral care.
In concluding remarks, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon expressed his gratitude to the members of the Metropolitan Council for their dedication and diligence in addressing the Church’s administrative, financial, and pastoral concerns. He reiterated the importance of continued collaboration and prayerful discernment in guiding the Church’s work.
The meeting concluded with a closing prayer led by His Beatitude.
Minutes and reports from the 2025 Spring Session of the Metropolitan Council will be posted on the OCA website as they become available.