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South Canaan, PA — Following a Comprehensive Site Visit by members of the Association of Theological
Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) in October 2023, the most recent biannual meeting of the ATS
Board of Commissioners reaffirmed the accreditation of St. Tikhon’s Seminary for a period of 10 years. In their
letter to the Seminary’s Rector, His Eminence Archbishop Michael, the Commissioners praised the Seminary’s
“laser sharp clarity of identity and mission”, “strong community of formation”, and its “committed faculty,
talented leadership team, and dedicated students”. In addition to the extension of accreditation till Spring 2034,
the Commissioners reaffirmed its approval of the Seminary’s M.Div. degree. To add to the joyful news, Dr.
Barbara Mutch, Senior ATS Director of Accreditation, notified the Seminary that the community’s 2023
Self-Study Report would be added to the Association’s library of exemplary self-studies that would be shared at
workshops designed to help member schools begin the process of self-study under the recently updated 2020
Standards of Accreditation.
Regarding this wonderful announcement, Archbishop Michael noted: “To receive the maximum of 10 years of
accreditation is a monumental accomplishment for a seminary of our size. We are humbled that our Self-Study
will be a reference resource for others. Certainly, we are grateful to God for all His blessings, especially for all
those whose labors made this possible for us.” In relaying the news to the community, the Seminary’s Dean, Fr.
John Parker commented: “We give thanks to the Lord for all the good He is doing at St. Tikhon’s – and we look
forward to the coming decade of growth and strength.” In his role as Director of Self-Study, the Seminary’s
Academic Dean, Fr. Paul Witek, noted that “the ten-year reaffirmation is an exceptional achievement for the
school and displays the unwavering commitment of so many to the embodied mission of St. Tikhon’s in
providing for the solid formation of future servants and leaders of Christ’s Church.” The Seminary extends its
thanks to all those who contributed to the Self-Study process and asks for the continued prayers and support of
the faithful throughout the Church for our theological school in fulfilling its unique vision for years to come.