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The Office of Pastoral Life is honored to announce that Dr. Sofie Azmy will be the guest speaker at our Spring 2024 Synaxis OCA Clergy online conference on Tuesday, March 26, from 2-4pm ET. Dr. Azmy will speak on the topic of “Freedom to Change our Habits” and discuss how to unhook from behaviors and thoughts that hold us back from the choices we want and need to make. Come and listen to Dr. Azmy and be ready to discuss with your brother clergy in small breakout rooms ways to move in the right direction during the challenging time of Lent. Click on the one-minute video link below to listen to a brief word from Dr. Azmy on the topic. The registration link is also below.

Dr. Sofie Azmy is a licensed clinical psychologist, who enjoys offering her expertise in integrating faith into the therapeutic process to facilitate healing and growth. She has taught undergraduate and graduate psychology and counseling courses. Dr. Sofie has a passion for serving and training; she enjoys leading workshops and speaking on a variety of mental health and parenting topics in addition to her active service in her church community. Dr. Sofie is also a clergy wife; she is married to Fr. Samuel and they have three daughters.
Although the conference begins at 2pm ET, the Zoom meeting will open for fellowship at 1:30pm ET. After the keynote presentation, registered participants will be divided into groups of four to six clergy and sent into breakout rooms to further discuss the topic as it relates to the participants. The breakout session will last just under 90 minutes with a facilitator in each breakout room. The breakout session is based on the Peer Learning model where the interaction and relationship of the participants form a community of learning focused on priestly and pastoral ministry.
Whether you have enjoyed past Synaxis events or look forward to your first experience, please invite a clergy friend. Registration emails with the Zoom link have been sent to all emails listed in the OCA clergy directory. Once you register, you will receive an email with a unique link to join the meeting. You will need to then join the meeting with the email account with which you registered.
The Synaxis OCA clergy online conferences are intended to nurture spiritual brotherhood by offering a meeting place for our clergy to learn from one another, to support one another, and to be strengthened by their contact with one another, so that they may all be empowered to fight the good fight of faith. To find out more about the Office of Pastoral Life and its programs for clergy, please email
We look forward to seeing you online at the Spring 2024 Clergy Synaxis on Tuesday, March 26!