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We gather in our magnificent National Shrine today, named most appropriately for today’s memorial, to remember our beloved, distinguished, and ever-memorable Church Benefactor and National Vice Commander of the Order of Saint Andrew, the late Nicholas J. Bouras, Archon Depoutatos. Together with his beloved spouse, Anna – who we also remember with love and fondness – Archon Nicholas made such substantial contributions to the life of the Church – to the Most Holy Ecumenical Patriarchate, to the Sacred Archdiocese of America, to the parishes in New Jersey that they loved – that we can say with assurance: he is among the leading benefactors in the history of this Archdiocese. But always – and I repeat, always – without fanfare. His generous heart was turned to good in silent and humble adoration, and the gifts that he bestowed were given to glorify God – never himself.