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The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and The Director of Training and Spiritual Care for the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry was one of the Keynote Speakers at the Annual Ancient Faith Retreat held at the Antiochian Village on Friday, 10 November through Sunday, 12 November. Over 160 women from across the country representing all Orthodox jurisdictions participated in the retreat.
The theme of the presentation on Friday afternoon, November 10, was “The Myrrhbearing Women coming out of their Comfort Zone -And with the Fear of God and Faith drew near early in the morning, to the Tomb and discovered the Risen Christ” Mark Santana, Church Program Manager, for O.C.P.M. followed with a slide presentation on the work of O.C.P.M. and introduced a letter writing project to inmates held the next day.
Fr. John concelebrated Great Vespers and on Sunday, November 12 the 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy. Fr. John also heard confessions and held Proskomedia in view of the retreat participants.