View Larger Image Ukrainian Orthodox Faithful of South America Honor their Eparchial Bishop as he marks the 30th Anniversary of Consecration This post was originally published on this site Українська Православна Єпархія Південної Америки молитовно вшановує єпархіального єпископа з нагоди 30-ти ліття хіротонії oia2023-09-11T01:30:31+00:00September 11th, 2023|Jurisdictions| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts DIETRICH BONHOEFFER: A Theological Conversation on His Life and Legacy Gallery DIETRICH BONHOEFFER: A Theological Conversation on His Life and Legacy Archbishop Elpidophoros Meets With CrossRoad Leadership Team Gallery Archbishop Elpidophoros Meets With CrossRoad Leadership Team Clergy Conference / Conferinta Preoteasca Gallery Clergy Conference / Conferinta Preoteasca His Grace Bishop Nikodhim Participates at the Funeral of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Gallery His Grace Bishop Nikodhim Participates at the Funeral of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Defending Religious Freedom: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Participates in the Fifth Annual International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC Gallery Defending Religious Freedom: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Participates in the Fifth Annual International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC