This post was originally published on this site

In conformity with Article III, Section 7, of the By-Laws of the Romanian
Orthodox Episcopate of America, we hereby call into session
All Priests presently assigned to a parish and all Lay Delegates legally elected
by their Parish Assembly in 2023, and whose credentials have been verified by
the Chancery, are called into Session.
The Congress will be in session on
Saturday, September 9 at 9:00 am
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
at Three Hierarchs Romanian Orthodox Parish
6402 226th St SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA
All clergy and lay delegates are requested to participate until the
completion of the Congress. Details regarding the procedure for joining
the Congress meeting will be emailed to all parish clergy and delegates,
along with the Report to the Congress and other pertinent materials.
The Agenda, as printed in the Annual Report to the Episcopate Congress 2023, will include: Reading / Approval of the 90th Episcopate Congress Minutes; Official Reports to the Congress; Reports from the Episcopate Auxiliaries; New Business as submitted by the Episcopate Council.
As per Article III, Section 1, the Episcopate Congress shall be composed of
• The Bishop
• The Auxiliary Bishop(s)
• The Vicar
• The Parish Priest and Assistant Priest(s)
• Two Lay Delegates elected by each Parish Assembly for Congresses 2023-2024
• Two delegates from each Auxiliary organization of the Episcopate
• Priests under the jurisdiction of the Episcopate not having parishes; deacons, abbots, abbesses, if accredited by the Episcopate Council
• Members of the Episcopate Council in office, including Auxiliary Presidents ex-officio
Should the duly elected lay delegates be unable to attend, their alternates will represent the parish. No addition, substitution or ad hoc delegation will be recognized by the credentials committee.
Archbishop of Detroit and The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Friday, September 8, 2023
10:00 am Hierarchal Divine Liturgy (Feast of Birth of Mother of God)
1:00 pm Clergy Registration
2:00 pm Clergy Conference
5:00 pm Vespers
6:00 pm Supper
Saturday, September 9, 2023
8:00 am Delegate Registration
9:00 am 91st Episcopate Congress Convenes
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Group Photo
1:30 pm Congress Reconvenes
6:00 pm Memorial Service, Great Vespers & Confessions
7:30 pm Congress Grand Banquet
Sunday, September 10, 2023
9:00 am Hierarchal Divine Liturgy
12:00 pm Light Lunch
Courtyard Seattle North/Lynnwood Everett, 4220 Alderwood Mall Blvd,
Lynnwood WA
Reservation link:
Reservation phone: 425-670-0500 (2023 ROEA Congress)
Room Rate: $144 + tax –1 King Bed + sofa bed or 2 Queen Beds
WiFi / Onsite Parking / / Indoor Pool / Restaurant
30 miles from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Shuttle Express: 425-981-7000
Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, August 8, 2023