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Dear brothers and sisters,

I would like to congratulate you on our National Canadian Day celebrated on July 1. Our country has been built on the sacrifices of many generations of Canadians. We all together are forming the fabric of this nation. The immigrants in this country, in search of a better life, contributed decisively and shaped today’s Canada. We joyfully celebrate today the rich history of this land as well as the talents born here. Stars like: Graham Bell, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion, Brian Adams, Wayne Gretzky, Leonard Cohen, Justin Bieber, Michel Buble, Sarah MacLachlan, David Foster, Frederik Banting, Elon Musk, and many others…From the Romanian community in most recent times we are proud to mention Bianca Andreescu, the famous tennis player and Mr. Calin Rovinescu who led Air Canada from 2009 to 2021.

Before WWI (1916-1919), Romanians from Canada have contributed by their agricultural aptitudes and hard work the developing the vast agricultural lands from prairies. They brought to Canada integrity, patriotism (many Canadian soldiers of Romanian origins fought in the First and Second World Wars in Europe), and their Christianity. They made efforts to bring overseas not only the bells of St Nicholas and St George Churches (Regina, SK), but also books, vestments, and priests from overseas. They lived and shared the joy and the sorrow with their parishioners in many parishes that dotted the Canadian prairies.

I congratulate Fr. Cosmin and Psa. Mihaela Vint for the 120th anniversary of St Nicholas Parish. Many years to all of its parishioners!

I wish you, your families and parishioners a joyful Canada Day!

God bless,

Fr. Nicolae Lapuste, Dean of Western Deanery of Canada



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