View Larger Image St. Nicholas Parish in Red Bank, NJ Received in the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate This post was originally published on this siteThe St. Nicholas Parish in Red Bank, New Jersey has been received into the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. oia2021-12-23T15:29:57+00:00December 23rd, 2021|Jurisdictions| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Українська Православна Церква США з радістю вітає Блаженнішого Митрополита Епіфанія – Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України Gallery Українська Православна Церква США з радістю вітає Блаженнішого Митрополита Епіфанія – Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України Three Hierarchs Awards Celebration at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Shrine Church Gallery Three Hierarchs Awards Celebration at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Shrine Church Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta Leads 43rd Annual Board of Trustees Meeting of the St. Photios National Shrine Gallery Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta Leads 43rd Annual Board of Trustees Meeting of the St. Photios National Shrine Archbishop Elpidophoros Installs Fr. Aristidis Garinis as Proistamenos at St. Nicholas Shrine Church Gallery Archbishop Elpidophoros Installs Fr. Aristidis Garinis as Proistamenos at St. Nicholas Shrine Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honored to Welcome His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine Gallery Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honored to Welcome His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine