This post was originally published on this site

As part of our ongoing effort to improve our service for our members and parishes, the OCA Pension Office is excited to announce that we have new dedicated direct phone numbers, fax numbers and a new mailing address.  These new dedicated means of communication will help streamline our office processes and provide an easier, more direct means for our members and parishes to contact us. 

Please take a moment to note our new contact information.

Our new mailing address is:
The Orthodox Church in America Pension Office
PO Box 8121
Hicksville, NY 11802-8121

Our new phone numbers listed below can be used to phone, text or fax:

Pension Office Main Phone Line: (516) 464-0322
Pension Office Company FAX: (516) 464-0367 (FAX only)

Michael Stieglitz, Pension Administrator Direct Line: (516) 464-0415
Barbara Anderson, Pension Bookkeeper Direct Line: (516) 464-0363

Please note that we can still temporarily be reached at our previous PO Box and phone number during this transition period.

We are grateful for the opportunity to provide our members and parishes with the best service possible and look forward to hearing from you!