This post was originally published on this site
During His earthly ministry, Jesus met, spoke with, enlightened, and healed a vast number of people, every single day. As St. John says, if each and every one of His encounters were written down, the world could not contain all of the books that it would require. So why did the Holy Spirit guide the Evangelists to record those specific events, those encounters, which we find in the Gospels? What is it about them that make them somehow special? As most of you probably know, it is because those encounters that are recorded for us are universal. In 2000 years, while our technology and science are exponentially beyond what it was then, people are still people- as a species, we really haven’t changed. And those people about whom we read in Scripture, well, they are us – in some way, they represent all of us, both collectively and personally. And the lessons that their stories impart are just as applicable to us today as they were 2000 years ago. Today’s Reading, that of the Blindman, is a classic example of this.