This post was originally published on this site
May 8, 2020
Protocol No. 22/2020
Christos Voskrese! Christ is Risen! Christos Anesti!
Dear Very Reverend Protopresbyters, Very Reverend, and Reverend Fathers and Diocesan Faithful,
Today I am writing to inform all of you that due to the current circumstances regarding the Coronavirus, I (hearing the advice of many) have made the decision that the following Diocesan Summer Youth Events will not take place onsite this year, but virtually:
The Altar Boy Retreat June 28 – July 1, 2020
The Young Women’s Encounter June 28 – July 1, 2020
The Camp Nazareth Summer Camping Weeks July 19 – August 8, 2020
The Camp Nazareth Science and Nature Week August 9 – 15, 2020