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Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [SVOTS] marked two milestones during its celebration of Orthodox Education Day [OED] on Saturday, October 6, 2018: fifty years of OED and fifty years of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary [SVS] Press.
This year’s Education Day, which fell on the Feast of Saint Innocent of Alaska, began with the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, at which relics of Saint Innocent were present. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided. Members of the seminary community and OED guests packed into Three Hierarchs Chapel for the Liturgy; the Chapel was so full, in fact, that many had to stand in the narthex and outside as the Chapel doors were kept open for everyone to worship. [Listen to a recording of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.]

The day featured several more highlights befitting the historic celebration, including a passionate call to spread the Gospel as individuals in addition to supporting Orthodox evangelistic enterprises such, as SVS Press and Ancient Faith Ministries.
“We have a responsibility to care for the souls of men and women for whom Christ died,” said John Maddex, CEO of Ancient Faith Ministries and OED keynote speaker. “The best thing that ever happened to the world was when God came in the flesh and dwelt among us; His life, death, and resurrection brought love and healing to a sick and dying world.” [Listen to Mr. Maddex’s address, “Saving Some by All Means”.]

Following Mr. Maddex’s address, former SVS Press director Ted Bazil and SVOTS Professor Emeritus David Drillock offered a fantastic look back and wonderful stories from the fifty-year history of SVS Press and OED. Mr. Bazil would go on to become manager and then director of SVS Press from 1973 until his retirement in 2012, helping to establish SVS Press as the largest and most active publisher of Orthodox Christian books in the English language.
Orthodox Education Day also featured bookstore and marketplace sales, a workshop for teens, children’s activities, food, and a fantastic performance at Three Hierarchs Chapel by the Boston Byzantine Choir in celebration of its own 25th anniversary.
The day concluded with the celebration of Vespers at the Chapel, with SVOTS Director of Music Robin Freeman conducting the choir.