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The Metropolitan Museum of the Orthodox Church in America, located at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, PA, hosted a special exhibit titled “For the Life of the World” throughout the 19th All-American Council in Saint Louis, MO July 23-27, 2018.


Organized by Archpriest John Perich, Curator, the exhibit showcased many of the precious treasures from the museum’s collection, both spiritual and historical, illustrating the journey the Church in North America has taken from the late 18th century to the present day.


“Among the items on display were personal items of Saint Herman of Alaska, the mantiya of Saint Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow, the chalice of Saint Innocent [Veniaminov], the miter and vestments of Saint Nicholai [Velimirovic] of Zhica, and the riassa of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Leonty [Turkevich],” explained Father John.  “Also on display were personal items and correspondence of Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, whose classic book, For the Life of the World, inspired the theme of this year’s AAC.”


Father John also provided numerous historical maps and original papers from a variety of other hierarchs, clergy and faithful, all of which served to illustrate the OCA’s legacy.


“The museum’s original collection took shape in 1994-1995, in the renovated bell tower on the grounds of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery,” Father John explained.  “Initially, this repository/museum featured the private icon collection of John S. and Lucille J. Guzey.  Over the years, it became apparent that the site was no longer adequate for the collection, especially with the addition of several other important private collections, so it was decided to erect a new building on the knoll overlooking the monastery entrance, which was dedicated and blessed during the Memorial Day Pilgrimage in 2005.”

To obtain additional information on the museum and its collection, to organize an exhibit regionally or locally, or to make enquiry with regard to donating historical artifacts of interest, please contact Father John Perich at

View a 360 video tour of the museum exhibit at the AAC.