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During the 19th All-American Council’s fourth plenary session on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, a variety of greetings and reports were offered.
The session opened with greetings from His Eminence, Metropolitan Nathanael of the Metropolis of Chicago of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on behalf of His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, after which Archpriest Serge Sollogoub, representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe, read the greetings of His Eminence, Archbishop John of Charioupolis, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

After enjoying videos from the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Canada and the Dioceses of Eastern Pennsylvania, Mexico, and the Midwest, Priest Gleb McFatter and Maureen Ahearn, OCA Pension Plan Chair and Administrator respectively, offered their report and encouraged all clergy to participate. Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor, then presented highlights from the report of the Office of Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations and the Sexual Policy Advisory Committee before Archpriest Chad Hatfield summarized in his report the work of the Metropolitan Council, of which he is a member-at-large.

Several OCA institutions offered presentations on their current work and ministries. Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery, South Canaan, PA, presented a report on monastic life, while the Deans of the OCA’s three seminaries— Archpriest John Dunlop, Dean of Saint Herman’s Seminary; Archpriest John Parker, newly appointed Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary; and Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary [part 1, part 2]—offered detailed reports on the progress and growth of their respective schools. Afterwards, the recently appointed Dean of the Representation Church of the Great Martyr Catherine, Moscow, Russia, Archpriest Daniel Andrejuk, spoke of his work as the OCA’s Representative to the Moscow Patriarch. Archpriest Kirill Sokolov then presented the Report of the Board of Theological Education.

Presentations highlighting the ministries of several pan-Orthodox agencies also were offered. The work of the Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund [OCCIF] was explained by Archpriest John Dresko, while Nick Kasemeotes highlighted the work of International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC]. Presentations also were offered by Deacon Alexander Cadman, who spoke of the growth of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF]; Priest Martin Ritsi, who updated delegates on the work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center [OCMC]; and Archpriest John Kowalczyk, who shared insights into the ministry offered by the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry [OCPM].
- Watch a video overview of Wednesday on the OCA website and Facebook page.
- View many more photos and videos on the 19th AAC Facebook page.
- Listen to audio coverage from Ancient Faith Ministries.
Photo Credit: Fr. Gregory Safchuk, Victor Lutes