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[South Canaan, PA, STOTS Communications] On Friday, March 17, St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosted Jesse Brandow, a missionary to Guatemala through OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center), for a lunch-time talk. Jesse was in Guatemala from April 2015 through January 2017, and is currently in the United States on furlough raising support to return to Guatemala for another 2-year term.
Jesse shared with the gathered students, families, and staff members a brief history of the Orthodox Church in Guatemala, the growth that is taking place, and the needs of the Guatemalan Church. Highlights of his own work include: setting up a print shop to produce Orthodox materials in Spanish, compiling and translating a daily Spanish liturgical guide, mentoring the seminarians and pre-seminarians, teaching the lay catechists from the villages, and supporting the Guatemalan priests in their ministry. Jesse encouraged those gathered to answer Christ’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19-20) by engaging in missions themselves, supporting missionaries who are working in other countries, and praying consistently for the Church around the world.
St. Tikhon’s student body supported Jesse during his last 2-year term, and has pledged to renew their support for the next 2 years. Student Government officers hope to strengthen the connection between St. Tikhon’s students and the Guatemalan Church, especially the seminarians Jesse has been working with, in the year to come.
(Article and Photo, Dn. Andrew Nelko, Student Government President)