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Dear Blessed Faithful:
We greet you during this great and joyous Feast of Theophany in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now more than ever, we need to focus on the next generation of Orthodox leaders. The Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) has decided to take this concern and address it in a real and impactful way. In addition to our strong media ministry presence on multiple platforms, we will spend 2017 focusing on identifying and highlighting thirty Orthodox individuals who exhibit strong leadership and mentor skills in their community and who are under the age of thirty. This will be done to encourage others to emulate their faith.
We are asking parishes across America to participate in this mission. The missions and ministries of OCN are not possible without the financial support of Orthodox parishes. We ask you to join us in supporting the next generation of Orthodox leaders!
OCN is an official agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. During OCN’s Share the Light Sunday, January 15th, the Assembly asks EVERY Orthodox parish in America to participate in our mission. MyOCN is YourOCN! Please join us in speaking about Orthodox Christian Network at church, informing parishioners about OCN’s suite of mobile applications, passing a tray, and identifying an ambassador at your parish that can request brochures and answer questions at coffee hour about OCN’s ministry.
Please join us in encouraging the next generation of mentors and leaders of our faith. We cannot do this without your support, financial and otherwise. Spread the word about this ministry. Remember OCN in your parish’s charitable giving. OCN is supported almost entirely by parish and personal donations. Join with OCN now and contribute to strengthening the future of Orthodox evangelism and outreach in the Digital Age.
On behalf of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, we thank you for your continued support of this vital ministry. Let us go forth and share the Good News.
In Christ,
Archbishop Peter
Liaison to the Assembly
Nick T. Mavrick
Board Chairman
Eleni Alexiou
Managing Director
Download the OCN Encyclical here
Download the official Share the Light Sunday checklist here
Access additional Share the Light Sunday resources here